18 research outputs found

    Practices of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of distance learning

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    The article highlights the intermediate results of the research "Psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of new educational standards’ implementation in Ukraine". Various theoretical aspects as well as adapted and original practices are characterized. The experience of the authors regarding the implementation of the components - value-worldview, process-activity, emotional-resource during the motivational-cognitive, constructive-active, reflective-prognostic, value-identification stages is highlighted. Effective author's practices are presented - adaptation trainings, portfolio of personal and professional growth in the context of performance of work functions; formation of end-to-end skills of future teachers by means of digital technologies and tools (GDocs, GMeet, Zoom, Canva, MindMeister, Mentimeter, digital boards); adaptation of active learning technologies in the distance learning format (case-technologies, game, project technologies, SWOT analysis). A complex of technologies (role-playing games, training technologies, art-therapy) is presented, which contribute to the development of the emotional intelligence of future teachers in the context of the formation of professional competencies - psychological, emotional-ethical, reflective, psycho-emotional. The research was carried out in an interdisciplinary scientific field, which requires next stages of the scientific search for correction, generalization of the results of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development


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    We consider the education of the 21st century as a process of preparing a young generation for life and work and as a means of productive changes in the state and the world dimension as a whole. The development of the education system in Ukraine is characterized by internal public inquiries and external factors that are actualized in the context of European integration. At the time – training of an innovative specialist, ready for intercultural communication and conscious protection of human virtues: individual freedoms and respect for it, culture of peace, etc.According to the results of the analysis of philosophical, historical and pedagogical sources, the status of pedagogical practice, the axiological concept of a new educational strategy of teacher training in a higher education institution is generalized and substantiated. Education is seen as a factor in harmonization in systems: man – man, man – nature, man – technology.The article gives a summary of the results of the study of the status of the identified problem in the practice of training the teachers of the first educational level (Bachelor) specialties «Preschool education», «Primary education». The revealed tendencies are characterized: divergence, which leads to the destruction of ties that could ensure the formation of a system of knowledge about man, nature, technology (technology) and society. Education directed towards the future should deviate from the rudiment of the knowledge-normative strategy of the Soviet model and build on values based on philosophical, ethical, aesthetic concepts. According to the results of the analysis of the study, the opinions of students, pedagogues-practitioners regarding the correspondence of the content of professional disciplines (pedagogy, psychology) to the needs of the individual, community and society are determined. A set of methods (poll, interviewing, questionnaires, pedagogical essay, mathematical statistics) allowed to reveal the dominance of moral values in the educational process (professional activity).У статті актуалізовано аксіологічні ідеї нової освітньої стратегії підготовки педагогів в освітньому просторі України. Подано ретроспективний огляд аксіологічних ідей українських і зарубіжних філософів, педагогів, психологів щодо освіти людини. Розкрито психологічні, дидактичні, естетичні, етичні детермінанти багатовимірної педагогічної діяльності. Висвітлено результати емпіричного пошуку, що засвідчують нагальну потребу в обґрунтуванні засадничих аксіологічних ідей і упровадженні їх у практику підготовки педагога

    Sociocultural dominants of developing students’ value intentions: context of civilization challenges

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    The study of the influence of sociocultural dominants on value intentions formation in young generation of specialists (teachers) is important for identifying useful ideas that can be implemented to improve axiological situation in the country and the world in accordance with civilization challenges. The article highlights a wide range of theoretical achievements and presents results of empirical research, which confirms positive dynamics of value intentions development in students of pedagogical and art specialties. Generalized conclusions about development of this important phenomenon in the context of declining demand for value dominants, are confirmed by statistics. The study was based on axiological, socio-cultural, systemic and interdisciplinary research. The research field consisted of educational institutions in Kyiv (Ukraine), the sample was 356 respondents (students of the first bachelor’s level). The adequacy of the applied experimental tools (questionnaires, Pedagogical essays) is proved. The experimental work was conducted online using Google services. The results of the study show positive dynamics of the value intentions development and a significant correlation between students’ motivation to value-oriented activities and sustainability of this direction in the future. The importance of sociocultural determinants in the development of value intentions in students of pedagogical specialties based on sociocultural knowledge is proved


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    In the article the basic methodological approaches to modeling school profile is highlightsd. Substantiates the ones that allow the fullest disclosing the potential of rural schools, namely close ties with socio-cultural environment; internal differentiation, which is determined by personal meaning students for specialized professional oriented school. The content of the article developed based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the results of problems in modeling educational systems and study the status of specialized schools in rural areas. It is posted algorithm of simulation profile (upper secondary) schools, considering specific factors of educational environments in rural areas. Summary and recommendations presented in the content may be occasional to develop concepts profile education and specialized modeling schools in rural areas.В статье раскрыты основные методологические подходы к моделированию профильной школы. Обоснованно именно те, которые обусловливают наиболее полное раскрытие потенциала сельской школы, а именно: тесные связи с социокультурной средой; внутренняя дифференциация, что определяется личностными смыслами учеников к профильному профессионально ориентированному школьному образованию. Содержание статьи разработано по результатам теоретического анализа проблем моделирования образовательных систем и изучения состояния деятельности профильных школ в сельской местности Украины. Представлен алгоритм моделирования профильной (старшей) школы с учетом специфических факторов образовательной среды. Обобщение и рекомендации, поданы в статье могут быть полезными для разработки концепций профильного обучения и моделирования профильных школ в сельской местности.У статті висвітлено основні методологічні підходи до моделювання профільної школи. Обґрунтовано саме ті, що уможливлюють найбільш повне розкриття потенціалу сільської школи, а саме: тісні зв’язки з соціокультурним середовищем; внутрішня диференціація, що визначається особистісними сенсами учнів до профільної професійно зорієнтованої шкільної освіти. Зміст статті розроблено за результатами теоретичного аналізу проблем моделювання освітніх систем і вивчення стану діяльності профільних шкіл у сільській місцевості. Подано алгоритм моделювання профільної (старшої) школи з урахуванням специфічних чинників освітніх середовищ у сільській місцевості. Узагальнення та рекомендації, що подано в змісті статті можуть бути принагідними для розроблення концепцій профільного навчання та моделювання профільних шкіл у сільській місцевості.

    The use of digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students’ personal and professional self-development

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    The article reveals the problem of using digital tools in the context of blended and distance learning. The purpose of the study - to prove the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students` personal and professional self-development. Different approaches in modern scientific discourse of above mentioned problem are highlighted. Groups of digital tools that should be used at each stage of the interdisciplinary project is specified and characterized. The article contains author's practical developments and examples on using digital tools to fulfill the tasks of educational disciplines, which are integrated in interdisciplinary projects, implemented in the process of researching the scientific topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of personal and professional development of future teachers in the implementation of new educational standards". The results of the empirical study of the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects are summarized according to certain indicators: value-motivated, cognitive, self-learning, procedural, self-movement. The purpose has been achieved by comparing quantitative and qualitative assessments of the dynamics of indicators of high level students’ personal and professional self-development in control and experimental groups. The statistical significance of the study results has been verified by applying Student t-criterion. It has been proved that as a result of using digital tools in the interdisciplinary project the students of the experimental group significantly increased the level of personal and professional self-development


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    This article highlights some aspects of practice-oriented training of future teacher of primary school teachers in the study of pedagogical subjects. The practice-oriented (raining of primary school teachers see as a system based on the fact that education is the result of a focused, organized, planned mastering a subject of  future teachers, together elements of the system of objective human experience and social acceptance has on educational qualification of professional training.The purpose of the article is to highlight features of practice-oriented training of future teacher in primary school in teaching pedagogical subjects. While working on the article studied the issue of professional training of future elementary school teacher, raised in studies Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Outlined problem is considered in the context of active, personal, competency approaches.It was found that the practice-oriented training future teachers provided targeted sampling objective experience, learning in the process of training and formation of new educational quality.The article deals with the essential features of the project technology with regard to progress in stages. Method of projects consider due to the fact that it enables the implementation of effective practice-oriented training of future elementary school teacher.Posted author's experience in the use of educational projects, disciplines "Fundamental: of Education" and "Theory and Methods of Education. "Results of seeking ways practice oriented training students field of study "Primary education" for professional work in project technology have both scientific and practical significance.The essence of the algorithm and the implementation of technology projects in the practice of the educational process of higher education. The implementation of educational projects with pedagogical disciplines enables upload of future primary school teachers to practice. Especially a cost component of the project is the motivation of the individual which promotes spiritual and moral formation of future teachers.В статье освещены некоторые аспекты практико ориентированой подготовки будущего учителя начальной школы в процессе изучения педагогических дисциплин. Представлен авторской опыт использования учебных проектов, в частности, в дисциплинах «Основы педагогики» и «Теория и методика воспитания». Раскрывается специфика реализации в образовательном процессе ВУЗ деятельного, личностного, компетентносного подходов.В статті висвітлено деякі аспекти практико орієнтованої підготовки майбутнього вчителя початкової школи в процесі вивчення педагогічних дисциплін засобами проектної діяльності. Подано авторський досвід використання навчальних проектів, зокрема, з дисциплін «Основи педагогіки» та «Теорія і методика виховання». Розкрито особливості реалізації в освітньому процесі ВНЗ діяльнісного, особистісного, компетентнісного підходів

    Trends of the development of rural schools in Ukraine (1972–1984 YEARS)

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    The article presents the results of historical and educational research of rural schooldevelopment in Ukraine. Disclose the effect of social order for education students in ruralschools, regulatory support their activities. The study is based on the key idea external-schooldifferentiation of rural school development that was characteristic of the period,“Transformation of rural schools and finding ways to overcome the differences with the urbanschool.” Within this period reveals the essence of tasks meaningful methodological andorganizational support of rural schools in the stage of “Unification of activity of rural school(1972-1984).” It is identified as positive trends, as well as those that hampered theprogressive development of the rural school.Key words: development trends, rural school, the content of education, the reform ofsecondary school, the purpose of education, training programs, curricula.</p

    Social and Pedagogical Bases of Specialized Schools Projecting in Rural Area

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    Ґрунтуючись на загальнонаукових методологічних засадах діяльності та розвитку освітніх систем у статті розкрито соціально-педагогічні умови проектування варіативних моделей розвитку профільних загальноосвітніх шкіл у сільській місцевості. Доведено, що розробка ефективних моделей профільних шкіл та впровадження їх у практику є поступом до системного розв'язання проблем з розвитку профільноїстаршої школи в сільській місцевості.Based on the scientific methodological principles of activity and development of educational systems in the article social and pedagogical conditions of variation models of specialized schools development projecting in rural area are revealed. It is proved, that the creation of effective models of specialized schools and their introduction in practice is the beginning of a systemic solution of the problems of development of specialized senior school in rural areas

    The Ideas of Innovative Pedagogy in Theoretical and Practical Legacy of Ivan Hurovych Tkachenko

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    У статті подано результати історико-педагогічних студій новаторських ідей у теорії та практиці українського педагога Івана Гуровича Ткаченка. За результатами аналізу опублікованих і неопублікованих джерел, навчальних планів, програм, довідок про результати перевірки діяльності школи, виступів, що зберігаються у фондах архіву Педагогічного музею України, узагальнено вагомі новаторські здобутки, що були втілені в практику Богданівської середньої школи та інших шкіл України. Виокремлено значущість педагогічного новаторства й тих ідей, що є суголосними для сучасного розвою українського шкільництва.The article presents the results of historical and pedagogical studies of the innovative ideas in the theory and practice of an Ukrainian teacher Ivan Hurovych Tkachenko. The analysis of the published and unpublished sources, curricula, programs and reports on the results of the inspections of school performances held in the collections of the archives of Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine is presented. The liberalization of public life in the late 50-s of the twentieth century, reform of the Soviet system of education to prepare young people for work in industry, agriculture, culture and science led to a strong pace of innovation in educational theory and practice. The innovative ideas of Ivan Tkachenko are in unison with the social priorities of those days. Noteworthy is the author’s approach to the development of content and organizational forms, the methods of labor education and training of the students, implemented in the Bogdanivska secondary school of Znamyansk district in Kirovograd region. In the terms of knowledge as the dominant paradigm of education Ivan Tkachenko successfully embodied the principles of labor education and personal development of the students: intellectual, aesthetic, physical. The teacher did not consider labor education of the students as an end in itself but as a way of formation of positive motivation to learning and creative use in everyday practice. Ivan Tkachenko developed the idea of social and professional component of teaching and education of the students that was based on an understanding of transfer to the youth the essence of social culture. In the period of modernization of activity of secondary school innovative idea to integrate knowledge from natural subjects and agricultural production, the use of science and technology and science knowledge in production processes is relevant. The elements of pedagogical innovation of humanistic orientation are developing training methods, improving the structure and organizational learning and education implemented by the teachers in school practice. The significant innovative achievements have been implemented not only in practice of Bogdanivska secondary school, but also in other comprehensive schools of Ukraine, especially in Sahnivska secondary school of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy district of Cherkasy region, Novopokrovska boarding school of Solonyanskiy district of Dnipropetrovsk region and others. The article singles out the importance of pedagogical innovation of the second half of the twentieth century and the ideas that are in unison for the modern development of Ukrainian school system